ALERT: Little Round Top is currently closed to all visitation for rehabilitation. The National Park Service estimates Little Round Top to reopen to the public in late Spring or early Summer 2024. Learn more.


Path of a President: Lincoln's Journey Through Gettysburg

First Friday Exclusive


Follow in the footsteps of President Abraham Lincoln beginning with his arrival at the railroad station on the eve of Nov. 18, 1863. A Gettysburg Licensed Town Historian/Guide will take you on an hour journey through the streets of Gettysburg. Begin your tour at the Gettysburg Lincoln Railroad Station and walk to the David Wills House to view the Lincoln bedroom where the President put the finishing touches on his Gettysburg Address. Follow in President Lincoln’s footsteps to the Presbyterian Church where he met with the Ohio Republican Delegation before boarding his train back to Washington, D.C. Along the journey, hear the stories the civilians shared of what they saw and heard during the 25 hours Lincoln spent in Gettysburg. Reservations required in advance.

Minimum time: 1 hour
Location start/end: Gettysburg Lincoln Railroad Station, 35 Carlisle Street, Gettysburg
